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Who is Heavenly Storybook?

Every baby, child, teen, adult, and even you reading this is blessed with a unique talent that when fostered with love and confidence will allow them and you to illuminate beautiful rays of light to the world. There is also kindness and loving nature at the root of humanity from the love of Jesus despite all of the evil happening in the world. Unfortunately, not everyone knows or believes this.


Why is Heavenly Storybook?

Artistic, creative talents of art, writing, and more are buried beneath the burdens of a stressful, busy life. Nevertheless, there is hope in this life as there is hope in the cross. The demanding wants of school, work, or life in general don't have to extinguish your innovative flame. Peace and happiness can thrive and be shared with everyone. 


What is Heavenly Storybook?

Heavenly Storybook's mission is to spread beautiful messages of humility, love, encouragement, and various other subjects through vividly illustrated books and art to people of all ages. These books offer encouragement for people like you and others to pursue given talents and live out desired dreams. All within a Christian frame of mind. Each book created by Diamond Kelley, offers a common world issue and solutions on how to handle that issue in accordance with the will of God. Any reader, believer or not, will greatly benefit from these fun tales of positivity and inspiration. Every story told, leaves behind a meaningful message that is sure to stick with any reader and will help to not only educate but transform a nation of people who believe expressing oneself with God given gifts and good change is possible.


Diamond A. Kelley


Diamond Kelley is an ambitious, creative soul brimming with extravagant dreams. Throughout her entire life, she has harbored a passion for drawing, writing, and living out her Christian faith. She believes her artistic talents were given to her so she could share the Lord's word in a creative way to people of all ages. Diamond hopes to inspire the younger generation, teens, adults, and elders alike to always pursue their passions no matter the challenges ahead. Ultimately, she is praying that her tales can touch the hearts of any person, no matter who or what they are, to lead a life of creative, fun peace. Expect many more books and products from her as she continues her journey on God's path!


"A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth." Proverbs 11:16


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